Aadhar Card

Can I Get an Aadhar Card in One Day?

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The Aadhar Card, a vital identity document for Indian residents, is often surrounded by queries regarding its issuance and accessibility. A particularly common question is, “Can I get my Aadhar Card in one day?” This blog post delves deep into this query, offering a detailed insight into the Aadhar Card’s issuance process and timelines.

Understanding Aadhar Card

Firstly, understanding what an Aadhar Card is, is crucial. It’s a 12-digit unique identification number issued by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI). This card links individuals’ biometric and demographic details, serving as a critical identity and address proof across India.

The Possibility of Getting Aadhar Card in One Day

Addressing the central question: Is it possible to get your Aadhar Card in one day? The answer isn’t straightforward. The process of obtaining an Aadhar Card involves multiple steps, each with its own time frame.

  1. Enrollment Process: This is the initial step where you provide your biometric and demographic details. This process, generally, is quick, completing within a day at any Aadhar Enrollment Centre.
  2. Processing and Generation: After enrollment, your details are processed and verified by UIDAI. This process is not instant. The generation of an Aadhar number after successful verification may take several days or even weeks.
  3. Dispatch and Delivery: Once your Aadhar number is generated, the physical Aadhar Card is printed and dispatched through postal services. This process can take a few weeks.

Instant Aadhar Card – A Myth?

Given the aforementioned steps, it is clear that obtaining an Aadhar Card in a single day is a myth. However, UIDAI does offer an acknowledgment slip post-enrollment, containing the Enrollment ID, which can be used to track the status of your Aadhar Card application.

Aadhar Card

The Role of e-Aadhar

While waiting for the physical card, UIDAI provides an electronic version of the Aadhar Card, known as e-Aadhar. This can be downloaded from the UIDAI website after your Aadhar number is generated. The e-Aadhar is valid as a document and can be used until the physical card arrives.

Why Can’t Aadhar Card Be Issued in One Day?

The time taken to issue an Aadhar Card is due to several factors:

  • Data Verification: Ensuring the accuracy of the data collected is crucial and takes time.
  • Quality Checks: To prevent errors and fraudulent activities, quality checks are necessary.
  • Postal Delivery: The physical card is sent via post, which naturally takes time depending on the postal service and location.


In conclusion, obtaining an Aadhar Card within a single day is not feasible due to the comprehensive process involved in its issuance. However, UIDAI provides efficient services to ensure that the process from enrollment to delivery is as smooth and quick as possible. The e-Aadhar serves as a quick alternative while you wait for your physical card. It’s crucial to plan accordingly and apply for your Aadhar Card well in advance of when you need it.


  1. How long does it typically take to receive an Aadhar Card? Typically, it takes a few weeks to a couple of months to receive the physical Aadhar Card post-enrollment.
  2. Is e-Aadhar equally valid as the physical Aadhar Card? Yes, e-Aadhar is equally valid for all purposes.
  3. Can I expedite the process of getting an Aadhar Card? Unfortunately, there’s no way to expedite the process as it involves mandatory steps that take a fixed amount of time.